Could have been a troll but if not and if I was in his shoes I probably would have run from this site too. Poor guy wasn’t exactly welcomed with open arms- his opening remark was quickly ‘disliked’ a number of times and some of the early responses were not exactly friendly or coherent. I bet the active dubs on this site were quick to send him welcoming messages. Hopefully he was a troll 😂
John Free
JoinedPosts by John Free
New to the truth
by MatthewHewey ini have been meeting with member's of the kingdom hall, and i have attended a few times now on sundays.
i'd like to discuss experiences with this group since i'm new.
so far, i love it.
Since leaving the JW Organization, who is believing?
by Issa ini left the jw organization last year during summer.
maybe some of you can relate.
who of you are agnostic or an atheist?
John Free
I guess losing my belief in the bible came hand in hand with leaving the jw org. I began to question it as well as the cult. For one thing it seemed nonsensical that the highest mind needed the human sacrifice of his son to be able to forgive other humans. That makes him a heavenly Manasseh.
How To Fade Away Cleanly?
by SplaneThisToMe inthis is my first post and hopefully i can get some advice and input.
i have been actively involved with the organization for a little over 10 years now.
i began studying in high school, got baptized and my family fortunately did not.
John Free
Welcome to the forum. I understand the difficult time you are going through. The problem with conditional friendships is they can only end in a sour way. This is what happens when good people get groomed by a toxic group. With each passing day/month/year you will forge new frienships with real people. Life will get better.
...and so the shunning begins
by Phoebe ini am now officially 'inactive' so am no longer chased by an elder a for a report.
the congregation i belonged to never had much time for me anyway, i said once i could drop down dead in the k.hall and no one would notice.
so i never expected anyone to be particularly bothered that i wasn't there and they aren't.
John Free
So sorry phoebe. It’s tough and yes hurtful.
But you have stopped paying in to a bad investment that never has a return. As you start to meet real people, and form unconditional friendships you’ll almost certainly look back relieved that you had the strength to leave this toxic group.
Faded for almost 10 years and still getting random calls
by ctrwtf inhi all, just wondering if anyone is in the same boat.
wifey and i dropped off the face of the jw planet almost a decade ago and still get 3 or 4 visits a year mostly when we are not dressed or expecting visitors.
it's really annoying because we are both wondering why they don't get the hint already.. we don't want to move because we really enjoy where we live and both have careers that keep us in the area.. i've asked politely that they stop calling but like the "godfather" they keep "pulling me in.".
John Free
You probably need to be more strong in asking for no more visits.
Stagnation of JWs in Britain
by darkspilver inthis is an 'off-topic' continuation of this discussion.
steve2: in britain, growth of publishers is slowing down, if not stagnating.
darkspilver: .
John Free
Jeez 100 hours a month, I did 70 for a couple of years, whatta waste of time moping around hopelessly knocking on doors- pretty sad life when you look back. Never had any secular ambition- that was snuffed out by the washtowel. Life is so much better now that I’m living for myself and daring to dream big.
On the topic however I would add that although they play with the stats and fiddle the numbers, there’s one thing you can be sure- jws will always have to report their time! Without this reporting requirement the kingdom preaching work will grind to a halt!
Stagnation of JWs in Britain
by darkspilver inthis is an 'off-topic' continuation of this discussion.
steve2: in britain, growth of publishers is slowing down, if not stagnating.
darkspilver: .
John Free
I’m still trying to get over that Stanny did 100 HOURS a month banging on doors!!😂😂😂
Polish EX-JW Activism compilation video
by WTS Archive ini'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
John Free
Darkspliver’s post a little misunderstood? He’s highlighting how the org manipulates stats- hence the Mark Twain quote. In both lands the dubs are on the decline.
This Polish model of activism raises the bar! Some of the self-defeating aggressive activism feeds into the orgs hands.
Polish EX-JW Activism compilation video
by WTS Archive ini'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
John Free
Nope I think it indicates dub growth in the uk isn’t keeping up with population growth.
Poland’s population decreased by 0.14% year on year, while its Jdub population decreased by 2%. People are streaming to the troof...
Great work by the way brilliant activism. It’s quite clear that polish apostates rock!
“There’s nothing out there in the world for you...”
by Jules Saturn inhow would you guys react if or when you were told this phrase by a jw while having a conversation?
another phrase is “this world...” or “this system, like gum will chew you up and when it’s done with you, spit you right back out.”.
one i’ve been personally told was from a convert that had told me “whenever i speak to young ones that want to know if the grass is greener on the other side, i tell them i was a part of it.
John Free
Many Bethelites that were chewed up and spat out by the org in the recent cuts are now recieving sustanence and covering by the evil world’s state benefit systems.
Meanwhile the evil UN organisation that Jehovah is going to chew up and spit out is working hard to secure the freedom of Jehovah’s witnesses in Russia.